As a homeopath, holistic nutritionist and Reiki practitioner I have learned immensely about myself through my practice and mainly from my patients. They are some of my greatest teachers. I have learned that each and everyone of us truly thrives when given love and compassion. That without these 2 invaluable things, healing cannot transpire.
We may experience different events, symptoms and diseases in our lives. However underlying all disease manifestations lies a deficiency and imbalance . This deficiency and imbalance is what sets off our internal innate healing mechanism to go in disarray. Deficiency comes in many forms, from what is lacking in our diets, to what is missing in our living environments and personal relationships.
When I began to practice I was focusing on finding the right prescription whether it be the homeopathic remedy most indicated, or the right supplements or the right diet to best suit the patients needs. All this is very important and does play a huge part in my work today.
However now I truly dedicate myself to being first and foremost present with my patients during our consultations and interactions.
Truly present means with compassion, awareness and love.
I listen with my soul and heart first , and then with my mind. I observe with my soul and my heart first and then analyse with my mind the details and symptoms of the case. And I “feel” the patient’s energy and vibe with my intuition and tune in to their concerns instead of concerning myself with deciphering the right prescription.
Conventional medicine may call this quakery or airy fairy BS. But they are far from having a great track record themselves.
Core Connecting
The more I work connecting to my patients on a deeper level, the more I see my patients benefit and reach greater levels of personal healing.
I truly believe that allowing my patients the opportunity to share, and verbally express what they are going through is a huge initiation to their healing efforts. The ability to express their concerns at much longer lengths than the usual conventional 15 minute appointment with their M.D begins to open doors they haven’t even attempted to unlock in ages.
When I look into their eyes, I sense they appreciate my acknowledgment of their pain. More importantly though, when I look into their eyes I connect with their internal wisdom. I observe the love that so desperately wants to be expressed and fully loved back.
Everyone has their own journey to take.
Their path unfolds according to their own level of awareness and how much they allow this awareness to come into being at any given moment.
The more present we become the far more healing we can achieve. The more present we become the far more LIVING we actually experience. Coming to each moment with awareness allows us to experience the only thing we have that is certain in this life.
Which is the present. This is the key to liberation from suffering and the endless states of pain we may believe we never will overcome.
A dear friend of mine shares his insight on presence with me, whenever he feels I may need a bump back into alignment. He just simply mentions to me in the most loving tone:
“Piera it is what it is, and remember where ever you go, there you are-so love it all”.
How do you bring presence to your daily life? to your interactions? to your work? to your relationships?
Your soul is calling. Have you answered?
Give it a try, see what happens ;)
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